Which Model is Right for Me?

The Louis C. Eitzen company manufactures four standard models that have been specifically designed to measure mineral based lubricating oils.

If the oil you want to test is not mineral based or falls outside of the recommended viscosity ranges of our standard models, please contact us to discuss your situation.

Centistoke Models:

Centistokes is a kinematic viscosity standard created by the International Standard Organization. Except for the in the United States the Centistokes standard is nearly universal. Unless there is a specific reason to be using SUS we recommend that everyone uses a Visgage that reads in Centistokes.
Our Visgages are calibrated at room temperature but give the equivalent Centistokes reading @ 40°C.

The Model 38 is best for oils from approximately 8 to 160 CST.

The Model 76 is best for oils from approximately 80 to 300 CST.

Saybolt Universal Second Models:

Saybolt Universal Seconds is an English kinematic viscosity standard that is gradually being replaced by the International Centistokes.
Our Visgages are calibrated at room temperature but give the equivalent Saybolt Universal Seconds reading @ 100°F.

The Model 2 is best for oils from approximately 40 to 800 SUS.

The Model 4 is best for oils from approximately 400 to 1400 SUS.